Medieval Weapons

Medieval Weapons

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Medieval Weapons

The dark ages were dark times. Times when people had to defend their goods, their land, and their families; and did so at whatever means nessacary. Thus, came along Medieval Weapons. Medieval Weapons were considered to be some of the best designed, most accurate, barbaric weapons to be thought up during such technology laking times. Medieval Weapons came along to help a person defend what they had. Medieval Weapons came along during the "dark" ages and early middle ages. However, as people in society began to evolve, they lost most of their barbaric senses', and Medieval Weapons began to die out along with those senses'. During the time where Medieval Weapons were popular, they were used in the beggining for protection. Then, they began to be used for defense, and war weapons. Often times knights would use Medieval Weapons when they fought in wars with others, Medieval Weapons weren't something that anybody would want used against them. They were crude, dangerous, and were the beggining of the ideas for weapons we use now adays.

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Medieval Weapons can be related to many different things in history. Most of which, occured during the Medieval period of time. Medieval weapons were often times used in the hands of knights. They fired at enemys from the tops of castles across different countries. The Medieval Weapon started the beginning of something else as well. That something else was Medieval Torture devices. When captives, or others were caught, often times the use of the torture devices at hand were used upon them in the seclusion of a dungeon, or in the open. Medieval Weapons had a big effect on almost everything during the "dark" ages and Early Middle ages. There was a variation from art work, to most people owning at least one Medieval Weapon. The invention of  Medieval Weapons was a very monumental marking in time.

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During the "dark" ages and Early Middle ages, many different Medieval Weapons were created and used with different purposes. Some could be used from far differences to kill individuals, others used up close to kill many, the different weapons created during this time is astounding. Some of the most well known weapons during this time were the; Swords, Knives and Daggers, Axes, Spears, Maces,Flails; which were maceswith a chain attatched to it that had a spikey ball to inflict more damage upon it's victims,Long and Short Bows, Crossbows; which were one of the most deadly Medieval Weapons there were and that can be compared to a sniper rifel, Siege engines, Trebuchets; which were a type of catapult, Catapults/Slingshots, Battering Rams, Cannons, Greek Fire; which was a mixture of things, and once set on fire would burn almost through anything, even under water. There were many varities of the Medieval Weapons, some other things that were considered not only defense tools, but also weapons were these; Armor, Chain Mail, Sheilds, and Castles. These weapons marked a point in history that changed the way that not only wars and battles were fought, but also how life began to evolve.

work cited

-no noted author."Medieval Weapons".Medieval December,
-no noted author."Medieval Weapon History-An Evolution in Killing" 8 December, 2009.
-h2g2 researchers."History of Medieval Weapons in Europe" June, 2004.Web.8 December, 2009.
-no noted author."Medieval Weapons".Castles/medieval weapons.No listed dates.Web.8 December, 2009.
-no noted author."Medieval Weapon Information-from Swords to Catapults" December, 2009.
-Benjamin A. Simon."Medieval Weapon Arsenal" listed dates.Web.8 December, 2009.
-no noted author."Medieval Weaponary".The Middle Ages.No listed dates.Web.8 December, 2009.